Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Governmental Affairs Report from GAR

Governmental Affairs Report from GAR

During our GAR conference in New Orleans, I attended the following committee meetings:

Legal Action:  Seth Weissman reported to the committee on the FMLS lawsuit currently in progress.  We also discussed GAR’s advisory position in the Landings HOA lawsuit in which the HOA prevailed.

Global Alliance:  We met and discussed ways to promote local Realtors to International Groups and Georgia Government Agencies who deal with the influx of foreign clients.

Equal Opportunity/Cultural Diversity:  This workgroup discussed potential educational forums to inform our members of ways to cooperate across the cultures.

My Realtor Party:  One of the most exciting meetings was with our NAR  Director of the newly formed Realtor Party.  NAR and GAR have made a strong commitment to build the Realtor Party in Community Involvement, Housing Opportunity, Smart Growth, RPAC Fundraising, Issues Campaigns and Political Advocacy.  We will be asking our local members to become more proactive and bringing issues to SABOR which impact property rights and our business.  Also, we want to urge you to help us recognize candidates who support our efforts or even find Realtors who wish to become elected officials. 

Linda King
Vice-President of Governmental Affairs