Monday, March 12, 2012

The National Association is now accepting recommendations for committee service in 2013!

Monday, March 12, 2012

The National Association is now accepting recommendations for committee service in 2013

Process for 2013 NAR Committee Recommendations
All committee recommendations must be submitted via the Online Committee Recommendation Database on  Deadline for submission is May 25, 2012.

Using the database, members can recommend themselves or other suitable candidates. We are encouraging members to seek recommendations from colleagues with whom they have worked closely, and in particular members of leadership at the national, state and local level.  

When submitting a recommendation you will be required to include relevant comments that highlight the candidate's skills and qualifications for consideration.  All comments are confidential, so feel free to be candid. 

Follow these steps to access the Committee Recommendation Database*:
1. Log-on to
2. In the left-hand blue side bar click on "NAR Governance"
3. Beneath that, select "Committees"
4. In the center screen choose "Committee Recommendations for 2013 – Reference Page"
5. Select "Submit a Committee Recommendation"

The link below may also be used to access the recommendation database directly on

Things to Consider when Submitting Recommendations
Each committee is different.  Some are large, others small.  Some meet off-cycle (not at the Midyear or Annual Meetings).  Some require specific background to be considered for appointment.  To determine which committee is right for you, please review the committee structure which lists each committee's purpose statement, composition (how many members), length of term you would be expected to serve, and specific qualifications for consideration.  Please keep in mind that if appointed to a committee you will be expected to attend all of its meetings and serve the full length of your term.  Furthermore, please keep in mind that forums are open to all members; so you need not recommend yourself for appointment to a forum unless you are seeking the position of chair or vice chair.

Individual committee structure* can be found by clicking “View Committee Information” on the committee recommendations homepage (link provided above).

*Note: This is the current (2012) committee structure.  The 2013 committee structure will be approved at the Midyear Meetings in May, 2012.

Have You Completed/Updated Your Expertise Profiles?
NAR's Expertise Profile Database was designed to provide all levels of the REALTOR® family (including the Local, State and National Associations) with key information about you and your professional experience. The information that you will provide in this profile will be used as a resource in a variety of ways, including identification of members with certain expertise to serve on committees, working groups, presidential advisory groups; also, to respond to surveys about association issues, products, services etc.  
Individuals interested in serving on NAR's committees are encouraged to create and/or update their expertise profiles.  However, you are not required. Please note:  Completing an expertise profile is NOT the same as submitting a recommendation for yourself!  If you wish to serve on a committee you still must submit a recommendation via the online Committee Recommendation Database on

Follow these steps to access the Expertise Profile page*:
1. Click “Enter Your Expertise Profile” on the committee recommendations homepage (

Turn to for the Latest Information
Use of electronic mail and the NAR Governance page on will serve as the vehicles for promoting and publicizing information related to the Committee Recommendation/Selection process.  Therefore it is imperative that you adjust your email spam filter settings so that you receive important emails from NAR.
NAR Governance Webpage:

Committees Webpage*:

*Members need to have a login and password to access these databases.  Contact Information Central at (800) 874-6500; for login and password assistance.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need assistance.
Thank you, 


Debra S. Junkin, RCE
Chief Executive Officer

Georgia Association of REALTORS®
The Voice of Real Estate™ in Georgia
3200 Presidential Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30340-3981
678.597.4116 (Direct Line)
770.458.6992 (Fax)